[group 0] [line1 10] Alpha Base 7 [line2 20] The Terran base on this island must be destroyed. Alpha Base 7 is a key military base for Terran Studies, and if destroyed many months of work will be lost! Your forces must crush the weak Terran fools! [line3 30] Story Paragraph [group 1] [open1 100] Primary Objective : [open2 110] Destroy the Terran landing pad. [open3 120] Secondary Objective : [open4 130] Find a way to destroy the heavy tank containing the traitorous scum. [open5 140] Tertiary Objective : [open6 150] Use your upgrader to support your troops. [open3 160] Additional Information : [open4 170] We have dropped you very near a Terran base, so be careful! [open5 180] INITIATING SLAVE CONNECTION [open5 190] You need to destroy the Terran pad. [open5 200] MISSION COMPLETE [open5 210] MISSION FAILED [open5 220] MISSION FAILED [group 2] [info3 120] THE ALIEN VRASS EMPIRE HAS WON! [group 3] [info3 120] THE TERRAN FEDERATION HAS WON!